Transit, in its true sense, refers to planetary movement in astrology. Transits are determined on the basis of the movement of a particular planet around an individual’s natal planets or the planets’ positions in a specific birth chart. A birth chart can be considered as a blueprint when of one’s personality. Moods, strengths, weaknesses, actions, and many more emotions and feelings, deeds behavioural patterns, etc. can be determined from the planets placed in regards to the zodiac signs and ascendant. Having talked about few traits, transits don’t always necessarily possess strong impacts. Though transits can affect daily chores or day to day vibes in life, this again depends on which of the natal placements are being transited.
Inner Planets
Planets i.e. The Sun, The Moon, Mercury & Venus which move with a fast pace have effects for a reasonably short period. Transits of these inner planets are important but at the same time, these are not given major importance by astrologers because of the short duration and a limited effect, except when they get retrograde. The frequency seen here is comparatively handsome and operationally tends to be fleeting. The importance of this is seen more in electional astrology where muhurta or best time for an auspicious event is required.
Outer Planets
Most important transits are marked by slow-moving planet ie., Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu. Stagnant planets, mentioned above, seize the power to cause changes and can entirely uproot one’s life with leaving no scars of the previous situations and as one would have ever known it before. These transits hold greater importance and are considered more by astrologers because of the long-lasting effects. Even after being far away from the Earth, the slow-motion tends to lengthen the time for their aspects to last.
Both transits hold equal importance and maintain a significant equilibrium in some or the other way and depending on their possessed time bridge and the aspect of life in question. When considering a career, education, finances, and other long term aspects of life, the time needed to build is the foremost regard to be given. Similarly, a favourable situation for a longer time in transit of relevant planet helps in achieving desired results.