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Finding relevant patterns to answer a question from millions of astrological patterns has always been a challenge for astrologers. Taaraka was started by IITians to solve this problem using Artificial Intelligence.
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Analyst (Boston, USA)
I had a wonderful experience speaking with Taaraka’s astrologer. It was in depth, logical and extremely helpful. I appreciated the specificity of the advice as it pertained to my life. I would strongly recommend their scientific approach customized to your life.

Kunal Sharma
Founder & CEO - Flipspaces (Mumbai, India)
Taaraka’s practical advice helped me expedite positively reinforced actions and mitigate unadvised ones, both personally and professionally. Their experts’ pedigree and knowledge enables them to advise in a manner that is very practical. Would highly recommend these enriching and therapeutic sessions.

Mom of two, Program Manager (California, USA)
Taaraka, you have turned me from a skeptic to a believer! So far, I’ve done 3 very insightful sessions for me & the kids. The depth of the readings, accuracy of our personality traits, past events, emotional state were all bang on. I’m amazed at how the astrologer was able to pinpoint some deep rooted issues and help put it in perspective. I highly recommend this powerful self-discovery tool.

Student (Mumbai, India)
It was really an amazing experience. Taaraka's astrologer not only helped me to decode my personality but also helped me choose the right career path for me. The most interesting takeaway for me was how the counsellor made me understand how small actions will help me shape my future. After the session I now believe that astrology surely helps you to make the right decisions for the future and also helps to shape you as a better person. I would really recommend everyone to at least give Taaraka a shot and see the results.

Private Banking Consultant (China)
I am very satisfied with my consultation. As I am not fluent with my English pronunciation, Taaraka’s astrologer did the consultation through whatsApp chat for 1 hour. I have to say most of the things were very accurate and the session also helped me understand my own destiny. Dear friends, try Taaraka Premium session to find your true fate.

Head of Strategy & Innovation (Tokyo, Japan)
Although I have known and been curious about Indian Astrology, I have never had a chance to experience it. Taaraka made it possible for me to experience authentic consultation provided by a proficient Astrologer in India remotely from Japan. My skepticism was blown away in the first 10 minutes, and I was amazed by how precise and minute the prediction was. It helped me greatly with an important professional decision I was to make. Great service and experience!

VP - Analytics (Mumbai, India)
Amazing experience and so true. It all started with a discussion about the future, career, health, and so on. A lot of times, the future is like fuzzy logic and life goes through a labyrinthian path. One day from a friend's reference I found Taaraka, a start-up run by IITians and MIT Fellows. I booked a premium session and had a hour-long discussion with some great insights. I highly recommend everyone to use Taaraka for an amazing spiritual and insightful journey.
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