You absorb things quicker than others and generally you are good at keeping things to yourself. You would have a very low trigger for getting angry.
As per your chart you have a good and favourable indication of earning potential and consistent income and the only requirement would be to control and manage your expenses.
On the accrual front it would be a slow start but you would have satisfactory savings for yourself along with that of your partner after marriage. Your worries are unfounded in this regards.
Best Wishes.
Scorpio ascendant with the ascendant lord Mars posited in the second house conjunct Moon and Ketu; eleventh lord Mercury is posited in the twelfth house; Venus is posited in the tenth house.
Ashtakavarga score of eleventh house is 31 and that of twelfth house is 30; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house of Divisional Chart 10(D10) Dashamsha is 37.