You have a docile personality and you tend to analyse things carefully and you keep your surroundings lively.
Astrology cannot inform whether we would get married to a particular person however it can provide the compatibility between two individuals. On analysing your chart and matching with that of the man you mentioned, it is found that, the match compatibility between you and this person is very good.
The match is good on various aspects like, love, friendliness, mutual understanding, mentality and destiny. The only aspect where it doesn't match is health aspects, which could be taken care as time progresses. Thus this match can be taken ahead.
Best Wishes.
Rabi: Virgo ascendant with ascendant lord Mercury posited in the fourth house conjunct seventh lord Jupiter; South Node (Ketu) posited in the seventh house.
Match: Pisces ascendant with the ascendant lord Jupiter exalted and posited in the fifth house conjunct Moon; Seventh lord Mercury posited in debilitation in Ascendant.
Ashtakoota matching is good between both the charts.