You have a soft and tender mind and you are quite emotional generally in all aspects of life.
As per your chart, you have a good, happy and long lasting married life, however it could be quite difficult for you to convince your parents and elders for the marriage and this could cause some delay in your marriage, but it is possible to get married to your boyfriend.
The strength of your chart indicates that your parents will accept it eventually. You have a good life ahead.
Best Wishes.
Karka lagna with lagna lord Moon in a Kendra in Tula; Seventh lord retrograde Saturn in the seventh house and giving Shasha Pancha Maha Purusha Yog, giving full aspect to Moon.
Seventh lord of navamsha is also Saturn and is posited in the lagna of Navamsha conjunct Venus; Mars in the tenth house in Mesha giving Ruchak Pancha Maha Purusha Yog.