You have an energetic and charming personality. There are no indications of a break in marriage in your chart, but indications of separation from your partner could be there which could be just temporary.
However marriage related aspects are always analysed with the charts of both the partners taken together as per the compatibility.
As per your chart, your marriage should thrive against all odds and you could have a good time ahead and the basic requirement to resolve all issues is truthful and transparent communication from both sides and adjusting to another's requirements and needs.
Best Wishes.
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Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the tenth house conjunct seventh lord Venus; Saturn posited in the Lagna; Moon posited in the seventh house in exaltation; Jupiter posited in debilitation in the third house aspects the seventh house; Seventh lord Venus posited in the Tula Navamsha conjunct Mars.