The analysis with respect to children generally gives better results when the charts of both the husband and the wife are taken for analysis.
However, as per your chart your children would be healthy and active. Your worry is unfounded and you need to remove such negative thoughts from emerging especially when you are carrying.
One of your children would be quite active and the other one could be the silent type. Your natal chart infers healthy, intelligent and children who would achieve and would get well established in life and will keep you proud.
Best Wishes.
Leo ascendant with the ascendant lord Sun posited in the fourth house conjunct Mercury; Fifth lord retrograde Jupiter posited in the eleventh house and aspects its own fifth house; Saturn conjunct Venus posited in the fifth house; Mercury posited in the fifth house of divisional chart 9(Navamsha); Fifth lord of divisional chart 7(Saptamsha) is Jupiter, retrograde and posited in the eleventh house in DC7 conjunct an exalted Mercury.