You have a soft, gentle and complex personality. You could have a subtle aggression with volatile thinking which you would generally try and relook in hindsight.
Astrology can be used to analyse the compatibility of two persons but it cannot analyse whether you get engaged or marry a particular individual. As per your chart, you have a good married life and you are fortunate in terms of your partner, however there can be some delay in your finalising the matter.
The time starting from Nov 2023 is good for you till around Aug 2026 in this regards. You would have a good family life ahead with conjugal happiness.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the eleventh house conjunct Mercury; Rahu posited in the Lagna; Moon conjunct Ketu posited in the seventh house; Seventh lord Saturn posited in the ninth house in debilitation conjunct Venus; Saturn Maha Dasha ongoing with Saturn Antar Dasha and Mercury Antar Dasha starts from Nov 2023.