You do not like being straight forward with people in general and generally are diplomatic, at the same time you are quite energetic and protect your relationships and thoughts vehemently.
The current ongoing time is moderately favourable to you and you need to continue your efforts and hard work to improve your life situations and environment. In the near future you have a pretty positive time from Aug 2024 onwards when you would have all the positive things coming to you gradually.
Have confidence in your own strengths and capabilities and you would have good times ahead.
Best Wishes.
Vrishabha Lagna with the lagna lord Venus posited in the fifth house in conjunction with Rahu; Tenth lord Saturn posited in the eighth house and Mars conjunct debilitated Sun posited in the sixth house; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing with Saturn Antar Dasha and Mercury Antar Dasha starts from Aug 2024.