As per your chart, there are good chances that you could go on foreign trips. These could be for professional related, leisure or pleasure trips.
These could be well planned trips. The indications are good for foreign travel. You have a good time running currently which spans up to 2025.
You can earn good money from foreign countries. Chances of settling down in a foreign country are lesser and settling down could happen in your motherland, which could be due to your obligations, responsibilities and other commitments etc.
Good Luck
Dhanu Lagna with retrograde Saturn Posited in Lagna; Lagna lord Jupiter in fifth house conjunct Sun and Moon; Jupiter in Pushkara Bhaga and Pushkara Navamsha;
Tenth lord Mercury in sixth house of Vrishabh; tenth lord of Dashamsha is Jupiter; Twelfth lord conjunct Rahu in Aquarius. Ninth lord Sun exalted in fifth house; Ketu in ninth house.