Dear Kuni,
The patterns in horoscope of your chart suggest that you can marry a person of your choice and once in a stable relationship, you will have natural resistance to change things.
Your time has changed from year 2022 and this new phase brings possibilities of more partners in life eventually. Either those energies get channelized in work area else, in relationships you will encounter situations to evaluate other partners for marriage besides current one.
More the delay in marriage, more the chances of changing partner. With time your relationships with get faded and difficult to hold one, unless tied to marriage.
Jupiter dasha onset with placemnet in 7th house of from lagna along with rashi first house placement bringing abundance in matters of relationship.
Saturn in 6th house resists change to commitments in relationship and lord of 5th and 7th conjoins in 12th house favours liking t be converted into marriage.
D-9 chart reinforces the Jupiter 7th hosue placement aspecting 7th lord.