Astrology can help you in analysing the compatibility of yours with other person based on both the birth charts, but it won't be able to advice whether you would get married to a particular person.
You have a soft and tender personality with high ambitions in life. Your better half would be a calm, composed and of medium height, bright and intelligent with good analytic ability.
You have a pretty good possibility of getting married to a person of your liking and choice and you will have a happy conjugal life together with your life partner. Your partner could hail from the direction of East or North-East with respect to your birth place.
Best Wishes.
Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the fifth house is debilitation; Seventh lord retrograde Saturn posited in the second house conjunct Ketu; Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury posited in the seventh house; Seventh lord Saturn posited in the Karka Navamsha.