You are determined person with high energy level and once you decide on achieving something you put all out efforts.
As per your chart, you would mostly be indecisive in important matters and although you start every major thing with good enthusiasm in your life but you may not be persistent in your efforts to complete and take them to logical conclusion, this aspect you may need to change to achieve positive results.
Further you have a good fortune and luck would generally favour you at critical times. You would have consistent and decent earnings and will be having satisfactory wealth. You have a comfortable life ahead with good health.
Best Wishes.
Virgo ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury posited in the twelfth house conjunct Sun; Debilitated Venus posited in the ascendant conjunct Jupiter and Saturn; Debilitated Mars posited in the eleventh house conjunct eleventh lord Moon and North Node (Rahu); Ashtakavarga scores ninth, tenth and eleventh houses are 36, 34 and 37 respectively.