As per your chart, you would be blessed with the happiness of being a proud mother. There could only be some delay in achieving this.
The current ongoing time is not quite positive as per your chart and in near future from Nov 2023 you have a conducive time starting with respect to conceiving a child.
If possible you can have the Nakshatra Shanti done for Mula Nakshatra. As a precautionary measure you may like to have a professional medical advice. Practice meditation and stay away from spicy foods, maintain a 'Satwik' diet.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord Jupiter posited in the Lagna conjunct fifth lord Mars; Fifth lord Mars exalted and posited in the eleventh house in the Saptamsha and Mercury posited in the fifth house of Saptamsha; Ketu Maha Dasha ongoing and Mars Antar Dasha starts from Nov 2023; Mars posited under Mula (Gandanta) Nakshatra.