You have a strong mindset and you are a generally disciplined individual. Things in general would generally be quite organised around you and your family.
As per your chart, there are good chances that you could conceive again and you could have a third child, the happiness could come in the second half of the year 2023.
You need to take good care of your health. You can practice meditation and yoga to relieve any existing stressful conditions. You may also may take professional advice on the diet regimen from a Nutritionist, which you should be following. These are bound to give positive results.
Best Wishes.
Cancer ascendant with the ascendant lord Moon posited in the tenth house; Fifth lord Mars posited in the twelfth house conjunct Jupiter; Fifth lord of divisional chart 7 (Saptamsha) is Venus posited in the eleventh house of DC7 conjunct Mars in Scorpio; North Node (Rahu) major period ongoing with Saturn sub period and Mars sub sub period in the second half of 2023.