You are a soft and mild spoken individual with a calm mind-set and personality. You always look at all angles for making any decision. You care a lot about relationships and your status in society.
The current ongoing time is quite conducive and supportive with respect to your career and this period would last up to Mar 2025. You need to maintain your current job and meanwhile you may go for upgrading some additional skill sets to your already existing skill sets to make your resume more valuable.
As per your chart, you have a happy and prosperous future and generally things would be quite smooth in your life. The growth in your professional life would be steady and you will rise to a good and satisfactory level.
Best Wishes.
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Kumbha Lagna with the Lagna lord Saturn Retrograde and posited in the second house; Ketu posited in the Lagna; Tenth lord Mars posited in the eleventh house conjunct Mercury; Sun posited in the tenth house and Jupiter Maha Dasha and Jupiter Antar Dasha ongoing currently.