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I've been preparing for NEET(all india medical exam) since the year 2020 but due to my own stupidity I kept on procrastinating things. I'm currently going throught a lot of mental pressure and I've been dealing with stress and anxiety right from my class 10th year which was I guess in the year 2017, it all started from 2017. I've been unstable, unhealthy, lazy, unfocused with my studies most importantly I wasn't like that before. Since then, I've been trying hard to do well in academics but things never worked as I wished because distractions always became an obstacle for me. So, my question is that, I'll be appearing for NEET in the next upcoming year that is in may 2023, if I work hard, will universe give me a chance? Will I get my selection in the year 2023 in NEET?

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Jun 3, 2022



You have an honest and sincere approach to life and you should maintain this in every way possible. The mental state of depression in your case could be based on just your style of thinking the unthinkable and imaginations.

The time ahead starting in Aug 2022 onwards is good and positive for you and the supporting time would get extended up to Oct 2023, so if your attempts are during this period you could hit success, of course depending on the extent of your preparation and efforts.

You would have good professional career and will earn good name in the society.

Best Wishes.



Karka lagna with the lagna lord Moon posited in the sixth house in conjunction with Sun, Mercury and Ketu; Tenth lord Mars posited in the eighth house.

Retrograde Jupiter and Sun conjunct in the ninth house in the Dashamsha; Moon Maha Dasha ongoing and Mercury Antar Dasha starts in Aug 2022.

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