As per your chart, you have a charming and magnetic personality. You are quite energetic in all your actions, although emotionally not quite strong.
You would get married to a person of liking and choice, although astrology cannot analyse whether you will get married to a particular person, but your partner would seem quite lucky for you and he will be an energetic and prosperous individual.
There could be delay in your marriage unless you take efforts to counter the delay. The compatibility of the charts can be analysed with the selected person to find the extent of match. You will have a good strong bond and a happy conjugal life.
Best Wishes
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Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the third house; Seventh lord Saturn posited in the eighth house conjunct Mercury; Exalted Mars posited in the seventh house giving Ruchak Yog conjunct Sun and Venus; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 18.