You are determined individual and you put all your hard work and efforts for acieving your objectives. You could have an inclination to speed up everything and in that process you could lose out on some important aspects. You need to correct this attribute of yours.
The current ongoing time is positive for you and your admission will solely depend on your extent of prepation which has undergone for this purpose and there is a good chance that you could get your choice admission.
With respect to your joining the Armed forces, your chart is conducive for this field of profession and you could try for joining the Army.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu lagna with the lagna lord Jupiter posited in the seventh house in conjunction with fifth lord Mars and Venus; Jupiter posited under own ruled Punarvasu Nakshatra and Mars posited under own ruled Marigasira Nakshatra.
Moon Maha Dasha started in May 2022; Ashtakavarga score of fourth hous ein natal chart is 40.