We encourage users to ask only one question. You have an energetic personality with a sharp mind and keen observation capability. You have good determination to achieve things you desire.
You have a good professional outlook in your life and things will catch up gradually. The chances of you having a job in corporate sector are better. You will succeed quite nicely in the corporate ladder as compared to a government sector.
You have a favourable time starting Sep 2023. Keep your efforts consistently with good levels of focus and concentration and you could become successful in your attempts.
You can avail our premium session through Taaraka App for detailed and personalised analysis.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the twelfth house conjunct retrograde Mercury and Rahu; Tenth lord retrograde Venus posited in the Lagna; Ketu Maha Dasha ongoing and Venus Antar Dasha starts from Sep 2023.