You are generally inclined to serve and help others and you may face some opposition to that. You could have an ability to be quite calculative in everything you do.
The chance of friction and/or separation from spouse would be there only once as per your chart and your life would be pretty smooth thereafter. Indications are, you would find a loving person who would be just right.
Before getting in to a relationship again, spend some time with the probable future life partner to get ascertained on the stability aspects. You would have a happy married life in times ahead with conjugal happiness.
Best Wishes.
Taurus ascendant with the ascendant lord Venus posited in the ascendant in conjunction with Mercury; Seventh lord Mars posited in the fifth house in conjunction with Saturn; Saturn has its full aspect on the seventh house.
Mars posited in the fourth house in the divisional chart 9 in conjunction with Moon.