You are quite soft and gentle at mind and heart, with straight forward nature. Also you trust people easily.
As per your chart, chances are good that you can end up with the person you have in mind and at the same time it also depends on the other person's will and determination to end up with you.
This attraction could develop to a long-term relationship, provided there is completely truthful and transparent communication on every aspect of the likes and dislikes, habits, matching and opposing thoughts etc over a long time on all aspects of life.
Best Wishes.
Karka Lagna with Lagna lord in the Lagna itself conjunct a debilitated Mars, Mercury and Saturn; Venus posited in own sign Vrishabh in the eleventh house;
Retrograde Jupiter is in a Kendra in Tula; The seventh lord Saturn in Lagna in Vrischik Navamsha; Mars is exalted in Navamsha.