As per your chart, you have a charming and attractive personality. You have a mature and calm mind with ability to analyse situations deeply. You have the ability to counsel people on many aspects.
The current time is moderately good and it will start changing over from Oct-2024 and you will start getting better in your financial possessions and earnings will increase thereafter and by second half of 2025 you would be financially in a very comfortable position.
You will always be comfortable in your surroundings and will have all the amenities. You have a fairly good and stable financial status in your life from 42 years of age onwards. You will lead a satisfied and well settled life.
Best Wishes.
Your Lagna lord is exalted and posited in ninth house. Your Dhana Karaka Jupiter is in Pushkar Bhaga in your 10th House of Scorpio.
Currently Mercury Mahadasha is running with Ketu Antardasha. Venus Antardasha starts in Oct 2024 under Mercury Mahadasha, when Jupiter will be in Taurus in your fourth house having full aspect on your 10th house.