You are a determined person with lot of energy, enthusiasm and zeal to take on any task. Despite being capable you could have some self doubt, which you need to overcome.
The current ongoing time is positive and favourable to you till April 2024 and then again July to Sep 2024 are positive and lastly the months of Nov-Dec 2024 are favourably poised for you, as per your chart.
Even if the times are positive results are always determined by the extent of hard work and efforts, thus put in your best and expect good results.
Best wishes.
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Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the third house in exaltation conjunct a debilitated Jupiter and Venus; Retrograde Mercury posited in the Lagna; Rahu Maha dasha with Moon Antar Dasha ongoing with Jupiter Pratyantar Dasha till April 2024.