Dear Mimi,
You have potential in your chart to embrace the field of creativity and earn your success in acting and allied fields.
Your timeline untill June 2026 is such that you will learn a lot in your pursuits and focus should be on learning your craft and getting benefits in that pursuit without chasing fame and outcomes only.
Starting year 2026 and untill 2045 will be a new phase of life, where either you would change your life goals or if it persists then steadily you can achieve success in the long term.
Somehow you have more success and pursuits destined if you have foreign assignments or travel abroad for work.
5th and 7th lord forming yoga in 10th house lorded by venus. Jupiter should be utilized for learning pursuits and if Saturn guarantees career, then it will be for sure in same pursuits in Saturn dasha.
Sun - Venus - Rahu combination in 12th house leads to affairs away in foreign or distant lands
D-9 suggest Saturn in 7th house in own house aspecting Sun which is lagna lord of Navamsha. Saturn will be a career decision maker and not jupiter for this native.