You have a decent and soft personality with a sharp mind and intellect and you also have acute analytic ability which you need o nurture and develop further in life.
As per your chart, you would be good with logical reasoning, which would be suitable for you to be successful in technology segments. You need to put in real hard work and efforts to gain knowledge and experience and become successful.
You will do well in your chosen field in life and will make a good name for yourself and also have good earning potential.
Best Wishes.
Tula Lagna with the Lagna lord Venus posited in the fourth house conjunct an exalted Mars giving Ruchak Yog and Mercury; Mars is Vargottam in Navamsha and with Ruchak Yog in Navamsha also; Ashtakavarga score of Lagna is 42 and that of tenth house is 30.