Users can ask only one question. As per your chart, you have an imaginative mind and would be good in seeing through people, their behaviour and situations, which will make you to take quite calculated approach to everything.
The current ongoing time is moderate and you have a pretty good and positive time starting from Sep 2024, when onwards things will fall in place and your real progress could get started.
Professionally you will have a slow start but would go a long way, provided you acquire the requisite qualifications and put the efforts. You will have good and reliable friends circle. You have a prosperous future ahead.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with the lagna lord Sun posited in the third house in debilitation conjunct Ketu; Jupiter posited in the Lagna; Moon posited in the tenth house in exaltation and tenth lord Venus posited in the fourth house conjunct Mercury; rahu Maha Dasha ongoing and Sun Antar Dasha starts from Sep 2024.