You have a conflicting mind which is never calm and gets distracted quite easily on trivial matters. You may need to change this attribute to further hone your skills and abilities.
As per your chart, you have pretty good chance of higher education from a good university and you can also go to a foreign country for your studies and profession. You should put in persistent hard work to achieve this. You would excel better in your homeland than in a foreign country.
Your professional career would generally be stable with a positive growth. Keep your focus on your objectives and work hard.
Best Wishes.
Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord and tenth lord Mercury debilitated and posited in the seventh house conjunct an exalted Venus, Sun and Rahu; Fourth lord retrograde Jupiter posited in the Lagna conjunct Ketu; Retrograde Saturn posited in the tenth house conjunct Moon and Mars exalted in the fifth house; Ashtakavarga scores of ninth, tenth and eleventh houses are 20, 26 and 35.