You could have the inclination to react spontaneously and giving an after thought rather than planning in advance.
The current ongoing time is quite moderately conducive and you need to be pretty careful with the style and tone of communication as that could have the potential of making or disturbing relationships.
However, the time starting from Feb 2023 onwards is conducive to take new initiatives in this regards and things may move in a favourable direction.
Best Wishes.
Vrishabha Lagna with the Lagna lord Venus posited in exaltation in the eleventh house conjunct a debilitated Mercury, Sun and Ketu; Seventh lord Mars posited in debilitation in the third house; Mars Maha Dasha ongoing currently with Venus Antar Dasha and Sun Antar Dasha starts in mid Dec 2022 and Jupiter Pratyantar Dasha starts in Feb 2023.