As per your chart, you have the determination to conquer the difficulties in life. There are indications in your chart of both foreign travel and settlement there.
The current period is not so conducive and the time starting from Mar 2024 is good for you to make your travel plans abroad and for settlement there. Thus you need to prepare and put in the required efforts and hard work to get a job abroad, as you have a good lead time.
You will achieve good laurels and success in your life, keep focussed on your objectives and work towards achieving them diligently, you will succeed.
Best Wishes.
Makara Lagna with the Lagna lord Saturn retrograde and posited in the twelfth house; Rahu posited in the Lagna and Moon posited in the ninth house with ninth lord Mercury posited in the eighth house; Jupiter Maha Dasha with Saturn Antar Dasha ongoing and Mercury Antar Dasha starts in Mar 2024.