You are soft and gentle person who is reliable and dependable. You have a good level of intelligence and sharpness of mind.
You have a good and positive time going on currently and it will be conducive to you for the next couple of years. Generally you will be successful in your professional career.
You would generally have a very active professional life which would always be full of action. You need to put in hard work always without giving a second thought about it, in short your professional life will be hectic but rewarding.
Best Wishes.
Vrishabha lagna with the lagna lord Venus debilitated in the fifth house conjunct an exalted Mercury and Ketu; Lord of tenth house Saturn posited in the seventh house.
Saturn currently transiting its own Rashi the Kumbha in the tenth house till 2025; Jupiter Maha Dasha and Jupiter Antar Dasha ongoing.