As per your chart, currently your professional career is stable and would remain so, with a positive growth in the near future.
Maintain conducive environment and cordial relations with everyone at your job. You can see a positive change and signs of growth from March-April 2023 onwards. There after depending on the growth prospects you can plan for a change from 2024 onwards which would be conducive and positive for you.
There could be some delays in getting benefits but it is sure, you will get them. Thus put your best efforts, stay positive, plan and take a well thought out step.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna Lagna with the lagna lord Mercury posited in the lagna conjunct Venus; Tenth lord Jupiter posited in the fourth house conjunct Saturn; Ashtakavarga scores of tenth house and eleventh house are 35 each. Tenth lord Jupiter currently in transit in Meena the tenth house and transits to the eleventh house in April 2023.