You would be having a calm demeanour. You could have a unique style of thinking and your bent of mind is differently made towards accepting or denying things, people and situations in life.
You have a different kind of mindset and for people of such attributes, it sometimes takes more time to find a befitting match in a partner. However you are quite fortunate in terms of a partner and the current ongoing time is quite favourable for you to find a partner and this time spans till mid of 2023, chances are good you would find a partner soon.
Your partner could be having a family oriented soft character with good looks and will be from a good background.
Best Wishes.
Virgo ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury retrograde and posited in the eighth house conjunct an exalted Sun and South Node (Ketu); Seventh lord Jupiter posited in the ninth house; Venus exalted in the seventh house and is posited in conjunction with Mars; Mercury is exalted and posited as the owner of seventh house in the divisional chart 9 in conjunction with Mars; Seventh lord Jupiter is in its current transit in Pisces the seventh house till mid 2023.