You have quite a different style of thinking. Your bent of mind is differently made towards accepting or denying things, people and situations in life.
The current ongoing time is good and positive for you to get to know about your life partner and this conducive time extends till April 2023 and thereafter the next conducive period starts in April 2024 which will last for around an year.
You are fortunate in terms of your life partner. You will have quite a good, comfortable and happy married life. Your future spouse would be a soft, gentle and docile person.
Best Wishes.
Taurus ascendant with the ascendant lord Venus debilitated and posited in the fifth house; Seventh lord Mars posited in the sixth house and Sun conjunct Mercury posited in the seventh house.
Jupiter transiting currently in Pisces with full aspect on seventh house till April 2023 and Jupiter transits to Taurus from April 2024 giving full aspect to the seventh house.