You have a tender and soft mind and you tend to take care of everything and everyone around you as much as possible and you generally would be unable to focus on your objectives.
As per your chart, you could be deficient in skillsets, thus you can plan to acquire some additional skills which will boost your value proposition for getting a good job. The current time is conducive till Oct 2024 and you could be successful before that with some additional skills.
You can wear an Opal Crystal gem and equally important for you is acquisition of some value based skills.
Best Wishes.
Tula lagna with lagna lord Venus posited in the ninth house conjunct Ketu; Moon debilitated and posited in the second house; Lord of fourth and fifth house retrograde Saturn posited in the fourth house.
Venus Maha Dasha ongoing with Venus Antar Dasha till Oct 2024; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 25.