You have an analytic mind with good grasp and understanding of people around you which is a pre-requisite for success in business.
You have quite good appetite for absorbing risk which would be a big advantage for any business, as per your chart. Further the fields of business which are most suitable to you as per your chart are those related to electrical and electronic components, Dairy and liquid products, metals and metallic products and entertainment sector and gadgets are also suitable but to a lesser extent than the former ones.
You have a good time currently ongoing which spans till 2035 and if you put in relevant timely efforts you succeed and prosper.
Best Wishes.
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Kumbha Lagna with the Lagna lord Saturn posited in the tenth house conjunct Moon and retrograde Jupiter posited in the Lagna; Ninth lord Venus posited in the ninth house and Venus Maha Dasha ongoing currently.