You have inner stamina that can weather nearly any storm, and have good level of persistence to any type of task. You have a powerful sense of duty.
The current time which just started in March 2022 is quite conducive and supportive to you and it will remain so till May 2025, thus you can expect positive results of your efforts in the near future within the timeline.
A little advise as per your chart, is try and withstand pressures of all sorts without buckling down, which will give you good progress in life.
Best Wishes.
Vrishabh lagna with lagna lord Venus in the fourth house conjunct tenth lord Saturn and sixth lord Mercury; Lagna lord Venus and tenth lord Saturn both Vargottam in Dashamsha.
Tenth lord Saturn transits to its own sign Aquarius from May 2022; Venus Maha Dasha running with Saturn Antar Dasha from Mar 2022 till May 2025.