As we can see from your chart you are an upright person with calm mind and a sweet speech and you will be able to impress people around you easily. You have a good memory and retention capability.
You have a positive period coming up from June 2022 till Nov 2022 and then from March 2023 to Aug 2023. If you put in the timely right effort, you could get a job switch to a better job and position during the mentioned period.
As per your chart you have a stable career and income. There could be some temporary delays in getting benefits but it is sure, you will get them.
Shasha Panch Maha Purush Yoga is formed in Lagna which bestows comforts, luxuries and fulfills desires.
10th Lord is in 11th House and also it is in Pushkar Navamsha which bestows good luck and fortune. Also 11th House has a high Ashtakavarga score of 35 which ensures consistent high earnings.
Current Mahadasha is of Rahu and Moon Antardasha which will bestow good luck during its sub periods.