You have a balanced and docile thinking and you generally tend to give the benefit of doubt to everyone in life. At times you could get aggressive which would be regressive to you.
As per your chart, you could have friction and separation from your partner. The current ongoing time is volatile for you and things and situation could start settling down to calm state from the second half of 2024 onwards.
Transparent and truthful communication is the foundation of long lasting relationship. The same would ensure a strong family bonding and a happy and long lasting married life.
Best Wishes.
Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord Mercury posited in the twelfth house; Seventh lord Jupiter exalted and posited in the eleventh house conjunct Venus, Sun and Ketu; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 21 in natal chart and 31 in the Navamsha; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing and Venus Antar Dasha starts from Aug 2024.