You have an open mind and you balance out all opinions with facts. Generally you will be pretty cool even in panic driven situations.
The current period is moderate, it is not a negative period but the situations around could give a feeling of being put down, which would be just a passing moment. It would change in a positive way with some efforts and gradually stability would come in all aspects of life including relationships.
You need to take the responsibility to balance out both sides by talking to both sides. You may also temporarily take some roles to perform at home, to convey the importance of family relationships. Remember communicating the right information at the right time is the key.
Best Wishes.
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Tula Lagna with the Lagna lord Venus posited in the fifth house conjunct Sun, Mercury and Rahu; Seventh lord Mars posited in the eighth house conjunct Jupiter and Moon posited in the seventh house; Rahu MD with Jupiter AD ongoing currently.