As per the chart, your husband has the determination to conquer the difficulties in life and he would be able to overcome tough situations.
The current ongoing time is somewhat dynamic and gradually it would turn out positive for him and he will be able to bounce back to normal life. He has a strong and determined attitude which would surely help in him getting a job soon.
He needs to make himself more sensitive to professional matters and make sure he doesn't get affected personally on trivial matters. Also he needs to be quite diplomatic and tactical in communicating.
Best Wishes.
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Kumbha Lagna with the Lagna lord Saturn posited in the ninth house in exaltation and tenth lord Mars posited in the Lagna conjunct Venus; Jupiter posited in the tenth house; Mars Maha Dasha ongoing currently with Venus Antar Dasha till Dec 2023 followed by Sun and Moon Antar Dashas.