As per your chart, your health condition would generally be stable in the long run but could get spontaneously delicate sometimes. That is, a small imbalance could trigger health-related issues easily for you, but you have robust and well-established health in the long term.
Also, your health issues could come out of or related to your work/profession or lifestyle, which could be controlled to a moderate extent by maintaining a disciplined regimen with respect to diet and exercise.
The current time is volatile and you need to take care, however from the year 2024 onwards you could be relieved of your health problems to a great extent. May be a regular full body health check would suffice to have an assurance of good health.
Just maintain a time bound regimen for food, type of diet and exercise and you would feel the joy of good health everyday.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the twelfth house conjunct mercury and exalted Jupiter; Sixth lord Saturn posited in the eleventh house conjunct a friendly Venus; Ashtakavarga score of sixth house in natal chart is 25 and that in the navamsha is 32; Sun Maha Dasha ongoing with Rahu Antar Dasha followed by Jupiter Antar Dasha from Jan 2024.