He has a good mental strength and he would have a strong will power to overcome odds of life.
The current ongoing time is moderately conducive to him and he would start gradually recovering. Further the time starting from the second half of 2023 is quite favourable with potential to have positive changes in health.
Keep up the loving care and nursing and he would eventually get back to normal.
Best Wishes.
Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord Mercury posited in the sixth house conjunct Sun and Jupiter; Sixth lord Saturn posited in the fifth house in its own sign Makara conjunct Venus and Ketu; Ashtakavarga scores of sixth house of natal chart is 25 and that of Shastamsha is 28: Venus Maha Dasha with Ketu Antar Dasha ongoing and Venus Pratyantar Dasha starts in Dec 2023.