As per your chart, the current ongoing time is favourable to you for you to be able to conceive and the current positive time spans till April 2025. Matters related to progeny are best analysed with the charts of both the partners.
Take care to maintain proper diet and health regimen. Keep your body and mind cool at all times, which is quite important for you.
You can practice meditation and yoga to relieve any existing stressful conditions. You also need to take professional medical advise on your health and anatomy along with diet regimen which you should be following. These are bound to give positive results.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord Jupiter retrograde and exalted in the eighth house conjunct Ketu; Fifth lord Mars posited in the sixth house conjunct Moon; Venus posited in the fifth house; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing with Venus Antar Dasha till April 2025.