You mind works differently than other people around and you would be more emotional thinker than being objective. You take things to heart too quickly and you analyse in hindsight.
This aspect of yours would effect causing bouts of indifference and kind of depressive periods for you always. As per your chart, you need to open up and have transparent communication with everyone in the family and with your friends, which would lift your spirits and alleviate your anxiousness.
The current period is volatile and would start settling down by the end of the year 2024. Practice meditation and yoga in the early mornings which has tremendous potential for relieving any kind of stress and rejuvenate your daily life.
Best Wishes.
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Mithuna Lagna with the Lagna lord Mercury posited in the seventh house conjunct Venus; Moon posited in the twelfth house in exaltation; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing with Moon Antar Dasha currently and Mars Antar Dasha starts from Nov 2024.