As per your chart, you have a soft and tender personality. You put in efforts for achieving your objectives but could lack in persisting for longer durations , which you need to develop.
The current ongoing time is not quite conducive for you to travel abroad and settle down there for which you may need to put in good efforts to overcome the hurdles.
You have a favourable time starting from Aug 2024 onwards when there could be good possibility of you succeeding in your plans, provided you put in the required efforts.
Best Wishes.
Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord and the tenth lord Mercury posited in the ninth house; Ninth lord venus posited in the eleventh house; twelfth lord Sun conjunct Mars and Rahu posited in the tenth house; Retrograde Jupiter posited in the third house aspecting the ninth house; Venus posited in the eleventh house; Saturn Maha Dasha ongoing and Venus Antar Dasha starts from Aug 2024.