You are blessed with a charming personality and you have a sharp and inquisitive mind. You have an independent kind of thinking and a playful mind-set externally.
The current period is quite positive for your marriage and it would remain so till Mar-Apr 2025. As per your chart, your future husband would be a tall, brilliant and intelligent person. He would have a friendly character and would mix up quite easily with everyone around.
Your partner would be a good conversationalist and the relationship will entirely be built on communication & sharing ideas. He would be like a friend to you.
Best Wishes.
Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the tenth house; Seventh lord Saturn posited in the ninth house conjunct Ketu; Seventh lord Saturn posited in the tenth house in Navamsha and has aspect on the seventh house; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing with Jupiter Antar Dasha and Jupiter transits to Vrishabh from April 2024 onwards.