You have a noble mind which could be indecisive and you have a decent personality. You are humble and diplomatic in your approach. You tread cautiously in all your dealings.
As per your chart, the chances of you meeting someone special are quite good from Jan 2023 onwards till around Feb-Mar 2025.
Your life partner would be having a cheerful personality and a soft character with good looks and sharp features. Your partner could be a soft character, high level thinker and a mature individual with good intuition.
Best wishes.
Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the fourth house in a friendly sign conjunct seventh lord Saturn and Mercury; Retrograde Jupiter posited in the eighth house conjunct Rahu; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 22 in natal chart and 20 in the Navamsha; Seventh lord Saturn transits to the seventh house from Jan 2023 onwards.