You are a soft hearted individual with generally a focussed approach towards achieving things in life. Despite being highly capable you could lack in self confidence, which you should overcome.
The upcoming time from March 2023 and the time thereafter is conducive and favourable for you to find and come to know about your life partner or spouse.
Your future life partner would be a person with a good position and status in society and would be a sincere and hard working one. You will have a good and pleasant family life and with a strong bond with your partner.
Best Wishes.
Gemini ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury posited in the tenth house in debilitation; Seventh lord Jupiter retrograde and posited in the third house; North Node (Rahu) posited in the seventh house. Seventh lord Jupiter transits to Aries in March-April 2023 giving full aspect to the seventh house of Sagittarius.