It is said that, 'you don't get to chose a Guru insteada Guru gets to choose you'. It is up to you and on the extent of your efforts in search of a mentor who can guide you.
You will find more than one Guru in your lifetime, who will be essential for your spiritual progress, every person whoever has something good to teach can be treated as a Guru.
You will find someone, who would give you a direction to proceed ahead in this life. The person whom you would meet could be younger or elder; and just a person like you. Sometimes you may realize this a little bit late, but it is sure that realization would be there, as per your chart.
Best Wishes.
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Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the seventh house conjunct Mercury; Fifth lord Jupiter posited in the fifth house; Sixth and seventh lord Saturn posited in the tenth house in a friendly sign; Tenth lord Venus exalted and posited in the eighth house.